Kibera's Most Detailed Security Map

link to detailed pdf version here

Over at Map Kibera, we are building out a dynamic website and report with the findings from the project thus far. As a sneak peak, this is what we believe to be the most detailed child protection, public safety, or girls vulnerability map of Kibera ever produced by and for the community.

As you look at the detailed map here, keep in mind that nearly every map of Kibera we've seen is simply satellite imagery, which doesn't give much insight into what is under the sheet metal roofs. There is an indisputable cost, quality and ethical advantage to community-driven mapping using consumer-grade GPS and an open-source software stack. This map was created using a two-step process, which involved data collection by 13 Kiberan mappers and community meetings with larger groups of young people. The methodology is detailed here.

In this map we've layered existing safe spaces and night lights atop bars and 'black spots' where young people should avoid. We've also paraphrased some of the most common points made by girls and young women who participated in our community map consultations. More detailed quotes and narratives will be available online in the near future.

This is only the start. Our main girls group partner, Binti Pamoja, was visibly excited to receive this map, and they will immediately put it to use for (i) planning new safe spaces; and (ii) using as a teaching tool about safety when girls meet in existing safe spaces.

Many, many thanks goes out to Primoz Kovacic, our volunteer Slovenian GIS expert, who donated quite a bit of his (very expensive) time to make this professional grade map!

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